Work Zone Registry


C-ZONE is working to make this a reality soon.



Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) is project documentation for the solution of the temporary traffic management on the road.
eTTM is electronic form of TTM
eRequest is an electronic form of request to approve eTTM

DATEX II, RDS-TMC and C-ITS DENM are examples of protocols and formats used to distribute traffic information.

Status quo and issues

Today, the approval process is governed by two traffic acts and two traffic regulation acts. The predominantly paper-based form of communication slows down the procedure. Therefore:

  • processing involves many parties, including the authorities,
  • one project may require several separate procedures to be coordinated by the applicant,
  • numerous requirements are forcing the officials to circumvent the applicable regulations

The work zones data are transferred into the Central Work Zone Registry manually, therefore:

  • the records are incomplete and inaccurate,
  • it is difficult or impossible to assess the request in the wider context of transport impacts,
  • dangerous traffic situations arise as a result of overlooking work zone concurrencies,
  • road administrators and road users have incomplete and inaccurate information


The optimisation of processes, including the introduction of related legislative changes (merging into a joint procedure, modification of competences, negotiation with the rail administration office) and submitting the request in digital form will speed up and simplify processing:

  • one project resolved in one procedure (with the umbrella authority)
  • the umbrella authority coordinates the handling better,
  • digital form does not require transcription and avoids transcription errors.
  • it provides a more accurate and complete overview of the current and planned situation.

The Central Work Zone Registry already receives documents in digital form, therefore:

  • it provides a more accurate and complete overview of the current and planned situation,
  • it allows the parties to see the conflict before the conflict arises
  • it provides a basis for computer simulation of impacts,it enables more accurate and complete traffic information distribution,
  • it provides historical data for analysis.

The solution also allows for a gradual unification of the way work zones are designed, so similar traffic situations can be performed in the same way.


Words heard in the narrow and broader research team

  • The project proposal presented is very ambitious but at the same time very well prepared.
    – Evaluation of the project proposal - TAČR College of Experts
  • Digitising old processes without optimising them first is a textbook example of the wrong approach.
    – Jan Vlčinský, TamTam Research, expert on traffic information formats
  • The traffic law proposal is quite revolutionary.
    – Pavel Tučka, VŠB, certified safety auditor, co-author of TP 66 - Work zone design principles
  • Comprehensive historical data is essentially unavailable today for developing traffic patterns in work zones; such a database would be of great value for traffic research.
    – Igor Mikolášek, CDV, traffic simulation expert
  • I consider the work on the traffic law proposal to be the highlight of my professional career.
    – Michal Tichý, Lawyer of the Transport Department of the Regional Authority
  • We have drafted a great project team.
    – Marek Ščerba, VŠB, project leader
  • Predicting impacts can support more effective design and management of work zones.
    – Igor Mikolášek, CDV, traffic simulation expert
  • It is not necessary to process all the documents on your own, it is important to defend the interests of your municipality. (in a discussion on how can the smallest municipalities handle challenges of the digital agenda)
    – Pavel Tučka, VŠB, certified safety auditor, co-author of TP 66 - Work zone design
  • Who does not try, does not have. (response to a comment that the proposed legislative changes will be difficult to pass through)
    – Pavel Tučka, VŠB, certified safety auditor, co-author of TP 66 - Work zone design principles
  • When we created the current Central Work Zone Registry system nine years ago, we hoped that it would soon move from manual transcription of data to a higher level of digitization. We welcome participation in this project as an opportunity to contribute to that goal.
    – Zdeněk Pokorný, VARS, Transport software analyst

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